July 27, 2024

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Article 202 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) defines what constitutes an “undue influence” in the military context and provides for punishment of any person subject to the UCMJ who exercises undue influence over another person subject to the UCMJ.

The UCMJ is a comprehensive system of criminal law that governs the conduct of members of the United States Armed Forces. It defines offenses, sets forth punishments, and establishes procedures for the investigation and prosecution of offenses. Article 202 is one of several articles in the UCMJ that deal with offenses against good order and discipline.

The purpose of Article 202 is to protect members of the military from being coerced or intimidated into doing something that they do not want to do. This can include anything from being forced to sign a contract to being subjected to physical or sexual abuse.

What is Article 202

Article 202 UCMJ prohibits undue influence.

  • Protects military members from coercion.
  • Covers threats, intimidation, and abuse.
  • Applies to all military personnel.
  • Punishable by up to 5 years’ imprisonment.
  • Important for maintaining good order and discipline.
  • Helps to protect the rights of military members.

Article 202 is an important tool for protecting the rights of military members and maintaining good order and discipline in the armed forces.

Protects military members from coercion.

Coercion is the use of force, threats, or intimidation to compel someone to do something against their will. It can take many forms, including physical violence, threats of violence, blackmail, and psychological pressure.

  • Prohibits threats and intimidation.

    Article 202 prohibits any person subject to the UCMJ from threatening or intimidating another person subject to the UCMJ in order to influence their behavior.

  • Prohibits physical and sexual abuse.

    Article 202 also prohibits any person subject to the UCMJ from using physical or sexual abuse to influence the behavior of another person subject to the UCMJ.

  • Prohibits psychological pressure.

    Article 202 also prohibits any person subject to the UCMJ from using psychological pressure to influence the behavior of another person subject to the UCMJ. This can include things like gaslighting, manipulation, and isolation.

  • Protects military members from all forms of coercion.

    Article 202 is a broad and comprehensive statute that protects military members from all forms of coercion. This is important because coercion can have a devastating impact on a person’s life, both physically and psychologically.

Article 202 is an important tool for protecting the rights of military members and maintaining good order and discipline in the armed forces. It helps to ensure that military members are not forced to do anything against their will and that they are treated with respect and dignity.

Covers threats, intimidation, and abuse.

Article 202 of the UCMJ covers a wide range of conduct that can be used to coerce or intimidate someone, including threats, intimidation, and abuse.

  • Threats.

    A threat is a statement that expresses an intention to cause harm or loss to another person. Threats can be made verbally, in writing, or through gestures. They can be direct or indirect. For example, a threat can be made directly to the person who is being threatened, or it can be made to a third party with the intention that the third party will convey the threat to the person who is being threatened.

  • Intimidation.

    Intimidation is a pattern of behavior that is intended to cause fear or anxiety in another person. Intimidation can take many forms, including physical violence, threats of violence, stalking, and harassment. The purpose of intimidation is to control or manipulate the behavior of the person who is being intimidated.

  • Abuse.

    Abuse is any form of mistreatment or neglect that causes physical, emotional, or psychological harm to another person. Abuse can take many forms, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect. The purpose of abuse is to control or dominate the person who is being abused.

  • Article 202 covers all forms of threats, intimidation, and abuse.

    This is important because it means that military members are protected from all forms of coercion, regardless of the specific method that is used.

Article 202 is an important tool for protecting the rights of military members and maintaining good order and discipline in the armed forces. It helps to ensure that military members are treated with respect and dignity and that they are not subjected to any form of coercion.

Applies to all military personnel.

Article 202 of the UCMJ applies to all military personnel, regardless of rank or position. This means that a general can be prosecuted for undue influence just as easily as a private can be prosecuted.

  • Protects junior enlisted members.

    One of the most important aspects of Article 202 is that it protects junior enlisted members from being coerced or intimidated by senior officers or non-commissioned officers. This is important because junior enlisted members are often in a position where they are vulnerable to being taken advantage of.

  • Protects all military members from abuse of power.

    Article 202 also protects all military members from abuse of power by those in positions of authority. This includes, but is not limited to, sexual harassment, hazing, and retaliation.

  • Creates a level playing field.

    By applying to all military personnel, Article 202 creates a level playing field where everyone is subject to the same rules and regulations. This helps to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect.

  • Helps to maintain good order and discipline.

    Article 202 helps to maintain good order and discipline in the armed forces by deterring misconduct and ensuring that those who engage in misconduct are held accountable.

Article 202 is an important tool for protecting the rights of military members and maintaining good order and discipline in the armed forces. It applies to all military personnel, regardless of rank or position, and it protects them from all forms of coercion, intimidation, and abuse.

Punishable by up to 5 years’ imprisonment.

Article 202 of the UCMJ is punishable by up to 5 years’ imprisonment. This is a significant penalty, which reflects the seriousness of the offense.

  • Deterrence.

    The primary purpose of the punishment for Article 202 is to deter misconduct. By imposing a significant penalty, the UCMJ sends a clear message that undue influence will not be tolerated.

  • Protection.

    The punishment for Article 202 also serves to protect military members from being coerced or intimidated. By knowing that they can be punished severely for engaging in undue influence, potential offenders are less likely to engage in such conduct.

  • Accountability.

    The punishment for Article 202 also ensures that those who engage in undue influence are held accountable for their actions. This is important for maintaining good order and discipline in the armed forces.

  • Proportionality.

    The punishment for Article 202 is proportionate to the seriousness of the offense. Undue influence can have a devastating impact on the victim, both physically and psychologically. The punishment for Article 202 reflects the seriousness of this harm.

The punishment for Article 202 is an important tool for deterring misconduct, protecting military members, ensuring accountability, and maintaining good order and discipline in the armed forces.

Important for maintaining good order and discipline.

Article 202 of the UCMJ is important for maintaining good order and discipline in the armed forces. This is because undue influence can have a devastating impact on unit cohesion and morale. When members of a unit are being coerced or intimidated, they are less likely to be able to perform their duties effectively. This can lead to a decline in operational readiness and an increase in accidents and injuries.

In addition, undue influence can create a hostile work environment. This can lead to increased absenteeism and turnover, which can further degrade unit cohesion and morale. Ultimately, undue influence can lead to a breakdown in good order and discipline, which can have serious consequences for the safety and security of the armed forces.

Article 202 helps to maintain good order and discipline in the armed forces by deterring undue influence and by providing a mechanism for punishing those who engage in such conduct. The threat of punishment can deter potential offenders from engaging in undue influence. Additionally, the punishment of those who are convicted of undue influence can send a clear message that such conduct will not be tolerated.

Article 202 is an important tool for commanders in maintaining good order and discipline in their units. By enforcing Article 202, commanders can create a climate of respect and trust, where members of the unit feel safe and secure from coercion and intimidation. This can lead to increased unit cohesion and morale, which are essential for mission success.

In conclusion, Article 202 of the UCMJ is an important tool for maintaining good order and discipline in the armed forces. It deters undue influence, provides a mechanism for punishing those who engage in such conduct, and helps to create a climate of respect and trust within military units.

Helps to protect the rights of military members.

Article 202 of the UCMJ helps to protect the rights of military members in a number of ways. First, it prohibits any person subject to the UCMJ from coercing or intimidating another person subject to the UCMJ. This means that military members are protected from being forced to do something against their will, such as signing a contract or engaging in sexual activity.

Second, Article 202 prohibits any person subject to the UCMJ from using physical or psychological abuse to influence the behavior of another person subject to the UCMJ. This means that military members are protected from being beaten, harassed, or otherwise mistreated in order to get them to do something that they do not want to do.

Third, Article 202 provides a mechanism for military members to report incidents of undue influence. This is important because it allows military members to seek redress for violations of their rights and to hold those who have violated their rights accountable.

Finally, Article 202 helps to create a culture of respect and dignity within the armed forces. When military members know that they are protected from undue influence, they are more likely to feel safe and secure in their workplace. This can lead to increased morale and productivity, and a more effective and efficient military.

In conclusion, Article 202 of the UCMJ is an important tool for protecting the rights of military members. It prohibits undue influence, provides a mechanism for reporting incidents of undue influence, and helps to create a culture of respect and dignity within the armed forces.


The following are some frequently asked questions about Article 202 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ):

Question 1: What is Article 202 of the UCMJ?
Answer 1: Article 202 of the UCMJ prohibits any person subject to the UCMJ from exercising undue influence over another person subject to the UCMJ.

Question 2: What is undue influence?
Answer 2: Undue influence is any form of coercion, intimidation, or abuse that is used to force someone to do something against their will.

Question 3: Who can be charged with undue influence under Article 202?
Answer 3: Any person subject to the UCMJ can be charged with undue influence, regardless of rank or position.

Question 4: What are the penalties for undue influence under Article 202?
Answer 4: The penalties for undue influence under Article 202 can include up to 5 years’ imprisonment, a fine, or both.

Question 5: How can I report an incident of undue influence?
Answer 5: If you have been the victim of undue influence, you can report the incident to your chain of command or to the nearest military law enforcement agency.

Question 6: What are some examples of undue influence?
Answer 6: Some examples of undue influence include:

  • Threatening someone with violence or harm if they do not do something.
  • Using physical force or abuse to coerce someone into doing something.
  • Using psychological pressure, such as gaslighting or manipulation, to get someone to do something.
  • Offering someone a bribe or other reward in exchange for doing something.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ:

If you believe that you have been the victim of undue influence, it is important to report the incident immediately. You can do this by contacting your chain of command or the nearest military law enforcement agency. There are resources available to help you, and you should not have to suffer in silence.

The following are some tips for avoiding undue influence:


The following are some tips for avoiding undue influence:

Tip 1: Be aware of the signs of undue influence.

The first step to avoiding undue influence is to be aware of the signs. Some common signs of undue influence include:

  • Feeling pressured or coerced to do something you don’t want to do.
  • Being threatened or intimidated.
  • Being offered a bribe or other reward in exchange for doing something.
  • Feeling like you have no choice but to do something.

Tip 2: Trust your gut.

If something feels wrong, it probably is. If you have a gut feeling that someone is trying to influence you unduly, listen to it. Don’t be afraid to say no and walk away.

Tip 3: Talk to someone you trust.

If you are feeling pressured or coerced, talk to someone you trust, such as a friend, family member, or supervisor. They can help you to assess the situation and develop a plan for dealing with it.

Tip 4: Report the incident.

If you have been the victim of undue influence, report the incident to your chain of command or to the nearest military law enforcement agency. There are resources available to help you, and you should not have to suffer in silence.

Closing Paragraph for Tips:

By following these tips, you can help to protect yourself from undue influence. Remember, you have the right to say no and to make your own choices. Don’t let anyone pressure or coerce you into doing something you don’t want to do.

By following the tips provided in this article, you can help to protect yourself from undue influence and maintain your rights as a military member.


Article 202 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) is an important tool for protecting the rights of military members and maintaining good order and discipline in the armed forces. It prohibits any person subject to the UCMJ from exercising undue influence over another person subject to the UCMJ.

Undue influence can take many forms, including threats, intimidation, and abuse. It can also include offering someone a bribe or other reward in exchange for doing something. Article 202 applies to all military personnel, regardless of rank or position. It is punishable by up to 5 years’ imprisonment, a fine, or both.

Article 202 is important for maintaining good order and discipline in the armed forces. It helps to ensure that military members are not coerced or intimidated into doing something against their will. This can lead to increased unit cohesion and morale, and a more effective and efficient military.

Article 202 also helps to protect the rights of military members. It provides a mechanism for reporting incidents of undue influence and for holding those who have violated the rights of military members accountable. This helps to create a culture of respect and dignity within the armed forces.

Closing Message:

Article 202 of the UCMJ is an important tool for protecting the rights of military members and maintaining good order and discipline in the armed forces. Military members should be aware of their rights under Article 202 and should report any incidents of undue influence to their chain of command or to the nearest military law enforcement agency.

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What is Article 202?